The F train wasn’t running today
Walked to 4th ave in the blissssterrring cooolddd
My hair was wet from the shower and parts were hard as a rock
Park slope hates me back.
- A poem by Ayary
The New York City commuter experience. F*&% it.
The F train wasn’t running today
Walked to 4th ave in the blissssterrring cooolddd
My hair was wet from the shower and parts were hard as a rock
Park slope hates me back.
- A poem by Ayary
But can you really just let this happen without at least understanding the cause?
Not long ago, the MTA tested the waters of public tolerance by raising the fare from $1.50 to $2.00 per ride under the pretext of financial melt-down. If you remember, the City of NY (after much B.S.) pried open the MTA's financial statements... The result turned out to be an alien autopsy on what was first believed to be human. The accountants cut in, found antennae, wings and three sets of genitals - then they closed the books back up and released the following statement: "….umm…"
The larger financial recession may have been a contributing factor to the collapse of the MTA. As you can imagine, it's much easier to kick someone in the head when they're already on the floor. This is the attitude the MTA has taken toward commuters, and has been the unofficial motto of the organization (followed by 30 seconds of evil laughter). To be fair, efforts have been made to cut costs. Instead of hiring expensive, highly trained accounting staff, the MTA decided several years ago to outsource money management to greedy death-row inmates in Folsom Prison, who are willing to work for a few days' extension on their life. Also, instead of paying expensive bank fees, the MTA has dug a large ditch to safeguard their revenue (using dynamite and prison labor). The ditch is located somewhere in
For those of us who are very old and are now a participating cog in society, we know that drinking has become at least partially medicinal - doing it on the train is probably the only way to replicate the feeling of adventurous adolescent boozing. Hobos and newly arrived immigrants have the right idea.